NOTHING (R) Support Centre

서비스 요청서 제출

RMA 코드가 있으면 해당 요청에 따라 시작할 수 있습니다.
  1. 1. RMA
  2. 2. 제품 정보
  3. 3. 문제 설명
  4. 4. 배송 정보

Input your RMA number

RMA Number

RMA Number is invalid


Something went wrong, please try later.
RMA is invalid. Please apply for a new RMA code

Input your product information

Product information

Purchase information

Purchase method is invalid
Order number (e.g) is invalid
e.g. #NTEU10000, find it in your order comfirmation email or account centre.

Upload your purchase voucher

The file type should be JPG or PNG.

( Go back to previous step )

Describe your problem

Issue tag

Hardware issue

Software issue

Issue tag is invalid

Issue description

Issue description is invalid

Upload your Issue Picture

The file type should be JPG or PNG.
Issue Picture is invalid

( Go back to previous step )

Enter your address

Basic information

Email is invalid

Return address

Country/Region is invalid
Street and house number is invalid
First name is invalid
Last name is invalid
Postal code is invalid
City/town is invalid
Phone number is invalid
Please read and agree to our policy.
Something went wrong, please try later.
2B customers cannot create 2C work orders

( Go back to previous step )

NOTHING (R) Support Centre

성공적으로 제출하십시오!

나머지는 저희에게 맡겨주세요.


요청이 접수되었습니다. 더 많은 정보를 이메일로 곧 보내드리겠습니다.

작업 주문 번호:
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Something went wrong, please try later.